Polk Audio Midock Portfolio iPod Speaker Dock amplified the sound of music of your iPod anywhere even on vacation! with the same speaker quality you come to expect from Polk. Most of them have transport case and a universal power supply adapter. The miDock`s compact and light size enables you to carry it around in your bag. The Polk Audio Midock Portfolio iPod Speaker Dock model was designed to function with all iPod generations players including the Mini and Nano and also includes auxiliary input for other MP3. players. The high-efficiency digital amplification with great effectiveness giving to the loudspeakers MiDock a sound power surprising for their size. The speaker works with 4 AA batteries for over 8 hours or you can also plug it in with the power supplied Charge. Small portable speakers with a nice design The Polk Audio Midock Portfolio iPod Speaker Dock is well design and allows you the ability to listen to your iPod music anywhere with great speaker quality.