When we speak of transmission of pure digital television, wemainly talk about its reception and display of the signals.These signals come to us through the broadcasting over air or bytransmission through the satellite system or cable system in ourhouses. There is a class of Direct TV that is getting a lot ofname at present which is called DirecTV HDTV. When we combine adigital TV of high resolution with a Dolby surround sound(AC-3), we get a DirecTV HDTV. To have a stunning image, thiscombination has been made. A new production and transmission equipment at the DirecTV HDTVstation and even a new equipment for reception for DirecTV HDTVis required by the consumer. The strongest selling point forDirecTV HDTV is the higher resolution picture. After media'sperfect show up about DirecTV HDTV, the DirecTV HDTV has reachedto all the electronic stores. The higher resolution whichproduces crystal clarity, as never seen before through picturetube, gives us a life like picture and digital sound. A usual TVgives us an effective picture resolution of about 210,000 pixelswhereas in the highest resolution DirecTV HDTV format, eachpicture contains 2 million pixels. This nearly gives us tentimes more detailed picture. The basic aim behind DirecTV HDTVis not to increase the definition per unit area but it is ratherthat the visual field percentage contained by the image shouldbe increased. The proposal about all DirecTV HDTV was firstsubmitted by General Instrument Corporation on May 31, 1990 ByDecember 1990 ATRC also launched the same followed by Zenith andAT&T and the MIT. At present Japan is the only country whichbroadcasts DirecTV HDTV services to the viewers. The number ofconverters and receivers sold to the customers has reached to100,000 and 30,000 respectively. The possibility of starting adigital satellite HDTV service in Japan has been eliminated bythe establishment of the analog broadcast service, DirecTV HDTV.Right now, many stations do not broadcast HDTV program.Slowly, the current analog TV can be either replaced or a newset-top box can be purchased for converting the digital signal.While purchasing any TV receivers we should first ensure thatthe new receiver has all the input jacks that match theconnectors on the VCR, cable boxed DVD player etc. We should always go in for a composite, S-video and componentvideo as a minimum set of analog jacks so we can use ourexisting analog equipment with a new set.